Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

 My family has graced me with helping with my Emerging Technologies final, and the following questions were really just fun facts about my father and my eldest sister. I also asked for information from some of my other family members through this really new, hip way to send things,email. I'm kidding, but my father still uses email like it is texting, which is very humorous! In the fifth grade I had a family project just like this and started a family tree that ventured back to the 1500's, here's a look at my tree. then I decided to share some information about my foreign ancestors, who have a life that is truly way more interesting than mine.

Then I decided that I should focus on the adventurers in my family that traveled over from overseas, and collected the surplus of information in an infographic. Although my mother would be saddened by this 5 frame story board, it ranges from the oldest to the youngest in my immediate family. My mother begins the tear as my eldest sister, Lacey follows, then my older sister, Chelsea, and finally ME!! The ending image is of my sister Chelsea, Lacey, and I!


Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

 I thought that it was a really good poem/ video clip that really shows what our society has begun to turn into. I agree with everything he says, and when I am nervous I do make conversation, but other times I just like to sit an use my phone or a book as a distraction. I like being able to talk to people face to face, but the thing is they would rather talk phone to phone. I love being able to enjoy others company, and a message when we are further away but I also like to be able to leave my phone at home and not be scrutinized by friends for missing their calls. Honestly the fact is that I am different in my generation, I don't like to only be able to spend my day texting instead of hanging out. One day my friend wanted to get a hold of me and I had just left my phone home so I could have a decent family dinner, but when I arrived home there were seven missed calls and around 25 messages. This was all in a matter of less than 60 minutes, and when I got a hold of her she was mad because my response was 50 minutes late and she had called my other friends to get a hold of me. I can't even have a nice conversation without my phone or theirs going off at least once, and that bothers me because I don't want to experience the world through a phone or through technology, I want to experience it by meeting new and interesting people.